Yookoso An Invitation To Contemporary Japanese Pdf Magazines

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  1. Yookoso 3rd Workbook Pdf
  2. Yookoso Textbook Pdf
  3. Yookoso An Invitation To Contemporary Japanese Pdf Magazines 2017
  4. Yookoso Workbook Answers

Yookoso Vol. 1: An Invitation to Contemporary Japanese (JPN 601D/610D)

Kanji Compound Flashcards

  • Chapter 1 Kanji (all) | Chapter 1 日〜二 | Chapter 1 三〜大
  • Chapter 2 Kanji (all) | Chapter 2 間〜右 | Chapter 2 中〜有
  • Chapter 3 Kanji (all) | Chapter 3 朝〜入 | Chapter 3 休〜会

  • Chapter 4 Kanji (all) | Chapter 4 天ー秋 | Chapter 4 冬〜空
  • Chapter 5 Kanji (all) | Chapter 5 手〜道 | Chapter 5 書〜動
  • Chapter 6 Kanji (all) | Chapter 6 思〜鳥 | Chapter 6 湯〜貝
  • Chapter 7 Kanji (all) | Chapter 7 同〜店 | Chapter 7 員〜暗
Yookoso an invitation to contemporary japanese workbook answers

Yookoso 3rd Workbook Pdf

Kanji Compound list: List of Kanji compounds introduced in class

  • Kanji list: Chapter 1 - 7 (all)

Kanji stroke order: showing stroke order, meaning, and reading of Kanji -- UPDATED, 3/26/2020

  • Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7

Kanji: Trace and Practice (PDF): -- look at the 'Kanji stroke order' page above to learn the stroke order of each kanji character, meanings and readings of the kanji compunds introduced in each chapter.

  • Ch1 all | 1-1 日〜名 | 1-2 年〜二 | 1-3 三〜八 | 1-4 九〜大
  • Ch2 all | 2-1 間〜分 | 2-2 小〜右 | 2-3 中〜山 | 2-4 口〜有
  • Ch3 all | 3-1 朝〜来 | 3-2 行〜入 | 3-3 休〜毎 | 3-4 回〜会

  • Ch4 all | 4-1 天〜度 | 4-2 風〜秋 | 4-3 冬〜高 | 4-4 多〜空
  • Ch5 all | 5-1 手〜母 | 5-2 兄〜道 | 5-3 書〜楽 | 5-4 全〜動
  • Ch6 all | 6-1 思〜物 | 6-2 肉〜鳥 | 6-3 湯〜料 | 6-4 理〜貝
  • Ch7 all | 7-1 同〜買 | 7-2 着〜店 | 7-3 員〜赤 | 7-4 黄〜暗

Kanji: Trace and Practice with Kanji list (Furigana and meaning) (PDF) -- -- look at the 'Kanji stroke order' page above to learn the stroke order of each kanji character, meanings and readings of the kanji compunds introduced in each chapter.

  • Ch4 all | 4-1 天〜度 | 4-2 風〜秋 | 4-3 冬〜高 | 4-4 多〜空
  • Ch5 all | 5-1 手〜母 | 5-2 兄〜道 | 5-3 書〜楽 | 5-4 全〜動
  • Ch6 all | 6-1 思〜物 | 6-2 肉〜鳥 | 6-3 湯〜料 | 6-4 理〜貝
  • Ch7 all | 7-1 同〜買 | 7-2 着〜店 | 7-3 員〜赤 | 7-4 黄〜暗

Kanji compound Reading Quiz

  • 99 Chapter 1 日〜二 | 100 Chapter 1 三〜大
  • 101 Chapter 2 間〜右 | 102 Chapter 2 中〜有
  • 103 Chapter 3 朝〜入 | 104 Chapter 3 休〜会

  • 105 Chapter 4 天ー秋 | 106 Chapter 4 冬〜空
  • 107 Chapter 5 手〜道 | 108 Chapter 5 書〜動
  • 109 Chapter 6 思〜鳥 | 110 Chapter 6 湯〜貝
  • 111 Chapter 7 同〜店 | 112 Chapter 7 員〜暗
Yookoso An Invitation To Contemporary Japanese Pdf Magazines

Kanji Compound Writing self-test (pdf)

    (1) print out and fold back the paper on the line so that you don’t see the kanji compounds. By looking at the word in hiragana, test yourself by writing them in Kanji characters by hand. You can check your answers by unfolding the paper.
    (2) You can also use it on your smartphone or tablet/computer, Hide the kanji compounds and show only the words in hiragana by moving the screen. Test yourself by writing them down in Kanji characters, then check your work by moving your screen back.
  • Chapter 1 日〜二 | Chapter 1 三〜大
  • Chapter 2 間〜右 | Chapter 2 中〜有
  • Chapter 3 朝〜入 | Chapter 3 休〜会

  • Chapter 4 天ー秋 | Chapter 4 冬〜空
  • Chapter 5 手〜道 | Chapter 5 書〜動
  • Chapter 6 思〜鳥 | Chapter 6 湯〜貝
  • Chapter 7 同〜店 | Chapter 7 員〜暗
Yookoso an invitation to contemporary japanese pdf magazines 2017

Yookoso Textbook Pdf

Kanji Writing Review

  • Chapter1-7 Practice sheets (by Marty Woodlee) | Answer sheet

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Yookoso An Invitation To Contemporary Japanese Pdf Magazines 2017

げんき (Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese):

  • かな、漢字練習用紙 (かな、かんじれんしゅうようし:Kana and Kanji practice formatted paper)

  • How to Use the Kanji Dictionaries
    Kanji Radicals created by Travis Schiller as a project for his 2009 Pre-Graduate School Internship
    Kanji a Day Mailing List - by Jeff Blum (studied Japanese at UT)

    Yookoso Workbook Answers

    Getting Started

    Part One

    Meeting Others and Introducing Yourself
    Everyday Greetings
    Classroom Expressions
    The Japanese Writing System (1): Introduction

    Part Two

    Numbers up to 20
    Asking and Giving Telephone Numbers
    Asking and Telling Time
    Asking What Something Is
    The Japanese Writing System (2): Hiragana (1)

    Part Three

    Talking About Daily Activities
    Talking About Future Activities and Events
    Talking About Likes and Dislikes
    The Japanese Writing System (3): Hiragana (2)

    Part Four

    Talking About Activities and Events in the Past
    Inviting Someone to Do Something
    Talking About Weekly Schedules
    Talking About the Weather
    The Japanese Writing System (4): Katakana (1)

    Part Five

    Asking Location
    Numbers from 21 to 10,000
    Asking About Existence
    Asking About Price
    Talking More About Likes and Dislikes
    The Japanese Writing System (5): Katakana (2)
    Introduction to Kanji
    Introduction to Yookoso!
    Language Notes and Culture Notes are not listed here.

    Chapter 1: Classmates


    Nationalities and Languages
    Personal Information
    Around Campus
    Study Hint: Learning New Vocabulary


    1. Identification: The Copula desu
    2. Possessive Particle no
    3. Personal Pronouns and Demonstratives
    4. Asking Questions: InterrogativesParticles ha and ga

    Culture Notes

    shusshin (Origins)
    Japanese Universities and Colleges
    Asking Personal Questions

    Reading and Writing

    Reading 1: Huransu-jin no kurasumeeto
    Study Hint: Learning Kanji
    Reading 2: penparu o sagashite imasu!
    The Six Types of Kanji

    Skills Practice

    Language Functions and Situations
    Introducing Friends
    Introducing Yourself
    Listening Comprehension

    Chapter 2: My Town


    Cities and Neighborhoods
    Buldings and Places Around Town


    5. Adjectives and Adverbs
    6. Expressing Existence: The Verbs arimasu and imasu
    7. Indicating Location
    8. Positional Words
    9. Numerals and Counters
    10. Expressing Likes and Dislikes: suki and kirai
    Sentence-Final yo
    Study Hint: Learning


    Polite Form Versus Plain Form

    Culture Notes

    Long Commutes
    kooban(Police Boxes)
    Japanese Addresses

    Reading and Writing

    Reading 1: Buraun-san no apaato no kinjo
    Reading 2: Hayashi-san no hurusato

    Skills Practice

    Language Functions and Situations
    Making Communication Work
    Showing Location on a Map
    Listening Comprehension

    Chapter 3: Everyday Life


    Daily Activities
    Weekends and Holidays


    11. The Basic Structure of Japanese Verbs
    12. The Nonpast, Polite Form of Verbs
    13. The Past, Polite Form of Verbs
    14. Particles Showing Grammatical Relationships
    15. Making Suggestions: ~mashoo
    16. Conjoining Nouns: to and ya
    Adverbs Used in Negative Sentences
    Connecting Disjunctive Sentences
    Approximate Numbers

    Culture Notes

    Part-Time Jobs for College Students
    kokumin no shukujitsu(National Holidays)

    Reading and Writing

    Reading 1: Buraun-san no nichijooseikatsu
    Reading 2: Buraun-san no shuumatsu

    Skills Practice

    Language Functions and Situations
    Making a Phone Call
    Extending an Invitation
    Listening Comprehension

    Chapter 4: Weather and Climate


    Weather Reports
    Enjoying the Four Seasons


    17. Conjugating Adjectives
    18. Comparatives and Superlatives
    19. The Past, Plain Forms of Verbs
    20. Explaining a Reason: ...noda
    21. The Te-Form of Adjectives and the Copula
    22. The Te-Form of Verbs
    23. Adverbs Used with Comparatives
    Linking Disjunctive Clauses with keredomo
    Conjoining Sequential Actions

    Culture Notes

    Types of Rain
    How to Write a Letter in Japanese

    Reading and Writing

    Reading 1: Buraun-san e no tegami
    Reading 2: Toraberu gaido: Iroha-machi no kikoo

    Skills Practice

    Language Functions and Situations
    Asking Questions About the Japanese Language
    Asking for Assistance with Kanji
    Listening Comprehension

    Chapter 5: Hobbies and Leisure Activities


    Hobbies and Pastimes


    24. Interrogatives + ka / mo / demo
    25. Describing Abilities
    26. Nominalizers: koto and no
    27. More Uses of the Particle mo
    28. Potential Form of Verbs
    29. The Te-Form of Verbs + imasu
    30. Relative Clauses
    31. Describing a Change in State: naru
    Nominal Verbs
    Words Expressing Respect and Politeness
    Have You Already Eaten?
    Some Time Expressions

    Culture Notes

    go, shoogi, maajan, pachinko: Japanese Games
    When You Are Praised
    Nihon no supootsu: Japanese Sports
    The Japanese Family

    Reading and Writing

    Reading 1: Sanraizu Karuchaa Sentaa no oshirase
    Reading 2: Gakusee to sarariiman no yoka choosa

    Skills Practice

    Language Functions and Situations
    Responding to Compliments
    Introducing a Family Member
    Listening Comprehension

    Chapter 6: Food


    Foods and Beverages
    Flavors and Tastes
    Cooking Terms


    32. Expressing Experience: The Ta-Form of Verbs + koto ga aru
    33. Expressing a Desire: hoshii, hoshigaru, ~tai, and ...tagaru
    34. Expressing an Opinion: ...to omou
    35. ~sugiru
    36. Quoting Speech: ...to iu
    37. Expressing Intention: tsumori and the Volitional Form of Verbs
    38. The Te-Form of Verbs + miru, shimau, iku, and kuru
    39. Expressing Simultaneous Actions: ~nagara
    Quote Marker to
    Study Hint: How to Remember Verb Conjugations
    moo and mada

    Culture Notes

    What Do Japanese Eat?

    Reading and Writing

    Reading 1: Baikingu ryoori ‘Murasaki’
    Reading 2: Anata no shokuji chekku

    Skills Practice

    Language Functions and Situations
    Asking and Expressing Opinions
    At a Restaurant
    Listening Comprehension

    Chapter 7: Shopping


    Shops and Stores


    40. When Something Happens: Temporal Clauses Ending in toki
    41. Indefinite Pronoun no
    42. Making If-Then Statements: The tara Conditonal
    43. Going Somewhere with a Purpose: Using the Particle ni to Express Purpose
    44. Reporting Hearsay: ...sooda
    45. Saying Whether or Not Something Is True: ...kadooka
    46. Giving Reasons with ...shi, ...shi
    ~yasui, ~nikui

    Culture Notes

    Handling Japanese Money
    Metric System

    Reading and Writing

    Reading 1: ‘San Roodo’ gurando oopuningu seeru
    Reading 2: mai fasshion

    Skills Practice

    Language Functions and Situations
    Saying Whether Two Things Are the Same or Different
    Listening Comprehension


    1. Verb Conjugation

    2. Adjective and Copula Conjugation

    3. Numbers

    4. Counters

    5. Time, Days, Months, and Years

    6. Ko-so-a-do Words

    7. Japanese Accent

    8. Kanji List

    Japanese-English Glossary

    English-Japanese Glossary
