Xcom 2 Viper Mods

1 )Current Long War 2 version: 1.1 (I think - latest steam version)
2) I play on Steam

This compilation Mod includes all 3 of my custom Aliens; the Black ICE Codex, the Flame Viper, and the ADVENT Warlock. Each Alien, along with its Strategy Elements, has been updated and streamlined to fit seamlessly into Long War 2. As a bonus, this Mod. Bio Troops (No longer Supported). The Viper Class Overhaul mod uses Playable XCOM 2 Aliens as a dependency, i.e. Viper Class Overhaul won't work without Playable XCOM 2 Aliens. My version of Playable XCOM 2 Aliens integrates this one, meaning this one won't be required for mine to work. Poison Spit, Tongue Pull, Bind and Crush, Release Bind The Viper is an alien encountered in XCOM 2. It serves as a support and assault unit, on par with the evolved Sectoid. They first appear in April as pod leaders for ADVENT forces.

3) No other mods.
4) I was running a regular Long War 2 campaign on Rookie Iron Man. I had all the DLC material activated but I have never really played a DLC campaign in vanilla, so wasn't sure what to expect.
Anyways I decided to steer clear of the Ruler missions until my weaponry was a little better. Relatively early a Viper King mission spawned. After a while a second one. Then a third and finally a fourth.
I couldn't really tell whether this was part of XCOM2 DLC or Long War 2 but it started to bug me that I lost so many Intel Packs to those missions so I finally took them on, thinking perhaps they will not spawn anymore.
The first mission was a breeze and I walked through it flawlessly.
Killed the Viper King.
ModsThen I went to do the second Viper King mission.
I figured perhaps I'm gonna meet a second long-war-ish Viper King. Perhaps there is a whole army now.

Xcom 2 Viper Mods 1.7.10

Perhaps there was such a mission for every type of king. I just didn't know.
Turned out the second mission was exactly like the first one uhm ok I thought and went on. Nothing too unusual to do maps over and over in the Long War right?
With one exception:
When I walked into the icy area where the King was supposed to be, no event triggered, nothing spawned.

Xcom 2 Viper Mods Ps4

The Viper King already dead did not appear a second time. I was stuck on the map.
Eventually I found a stray 2 HP snake in a corner that triggered the Viper King but he was transparent and could not be targeted.
I was still stuck.
Evac wasn't an option for the map. I think even if I were to kill off my entire squad, it would just ask me to repeat the mission (I haven't tried, yet).

Xcom 2 Viper Mods

5) I' ve got a save game.

Mods For Xcom 2

Since it's Iron Man this means game over for me unless you can provide me with a mod or patch or something to escape this map.