Naruto Sword Of The Thunder God

  1. All Naruto Swords
  2. Naruto Sword Of The Thunder Godzilla
  3. Sword Of The Thunder God

The Sword of the Thunder god. The scroll of seals. Two items of the Sage of the Six Paths. Samehada and Kibaswords. Shinobi Battle Armor. A new game rule. And some bug fixes. I will try to add a map soon but it will take some time. The Sword of the Thunder God in use. It is, however, extremely valuable from a combat point of view. The sword itself had many uses that involves its ability to manipulate lightning. Being made of concentrated lightning, once making contact with the enemy, it gives them a strong electrical shock capable of incapacitating them afterward. Flying Thunder God Kunai (飛雷神クナイ, Hiraishin Kunai) are custom-made 3-leaf / 3-sided kunai from the anime series Naruto. They are signature tools of Minato Namikaze, who uses it in conjunction with his Space–Time Ninjutsu: the Flying Thunder God Technique. At the bridge, Aoi ambushed Idate's party again with the Sword of the Thunder God and cut the ropes, rendering the bridge useless. He managed to shock Idate and block Sasuke's Chidori, but not without getting the Sword of the Thunder God cracked by the strike. Sakura managed to save Sasuke from falling, then Naruto finished the rogue ninja with.


Storm God Naruto


In the beginning, there was a massacre. A nine-tailed demon fox, Kyubi, has attacked Konoha, the Hidden Leaf Village. The tails were creating massive hurricanes with each swing. Monstrous earthquakes each step. And shockwaves each roar. But even such a powerful beast could not drive the storm cloud away. The beast looked even more terrifying in the heavy rain, which ironically seemed beautiful in whatever moon light broke through the clouds, disturbed only by fire and lightning.

The shinobi of the Leaf were doing everything they could to stop the creature, but no matter what they tried, all was futile. It was not the size of the beast that was the problem, nor was it's power. No. It was rather the fact it was nothing more than chakra that has taken form and substance. And therefore… it was immortal. But the konoha-nin could not just stand there and watch as the beast goes ravaging their village.

'HOLD YOUR POSITIONS AND WAIT FOR THE FOTH HOKAGE TO ARRIVE!' One shinobi screamed. There were some who had hoped that the man known as the Forth Hokage will be able to defeat the demon.

The Kyubi came closer. The youngest of the ninjas were about to run away. A giant paw with razor sharp claws was coming down on them.

But the fox was stopped.

A powerful stream of water hit the Nine-tails, forcing it to move backwards. The konoha-nin who survived moved back, trying to clear the battle ground. The Forth Hokage arrived standing on top of the summoned toad's head. The hokage began to make hand seals. Soon the Forth along with his summon and Kyubi clashed in a mortal combat.

The battle lasted for hours. The storm merely got stronger and stronger. Every second there was a lightning and a thunder, which only made the fire stronger, despite a stronger downpour. To those who watched the battle, it seemed as if the end of the world has come. Barely any forest left. It was hell on earth.

Finally, the Fourth Hokage decided to use the only thing he knew that could stop the fox. He threw several kunais around the demon and to the beast's surprise it was trapped in some strange kind of chains. It tried to move. But couldn't. The champion of the Hidden Leaf formed the 'ram' seal and started to molt chakra. His summon was extremely exhausted, but stood ready to assist if necessary. The Fourth however knew the truth. This was going to be his final jutsu.

But the Fox had to be stopped.

No matter the cost.

But the Kage has underestimated the power of the bijuu. The trap began to break. Damn it. The Fourth hasn't gathered enough chakra yet. The toad shot a water bullet in hope to buy some time for his friend. But it failed. Its attack hit and disappeared like it was nothing. Summon was too weak. The demon was close.

Then it happened.

An enormous lightning, from what the witness could tell, hit the ground between the bijuu and a giant toad. A blinding light quickly disappeared. And there was something the Fourth Hokage, the only person to see this, has not been expecting.

The Kyubi was being held by, what it seemed like, a giant figure made of pure storm clouds. It was covered with a cloak with thunders on it. Eight lightning bolts were rotating clockwise just behind its back. Strapped to the figures waist was a massive sword. Or maybe it was a club. The Fourth could not tell. The giant turned around to look at the human, still not letting go of the demon. What the Konoha's champion saw freaked him out.

The eyes. The whites were pitch black. The iris was some strange shade of purple and the pupil, or rather pupils, were shaped like two, vertically positioned, yellow thunders facing one another surrounded by eight yellow points. The Kage knew immediately, who he was facing. The thunder god, Raijin. For only he possess the eye of storm.

The human quickly regained his focus. He knew that even though the god himself arrived to aid Konoha, even he had his limits. The Fox roared. Raijin however stood still. He would not loosen his grab. The demon roared again. The thunder god pushed the bijuu back with all his might and summoned six pillars of pure lightning to restrain the beast. The Kyubi however was not foolish. It swung its tails and threw the attack aside. It charged at the god of thunders. Once within its reach, the bijuu sank its fangs in the arm of its opponent. The two were struggling.

Soon, the Forth Hokage ready. All was in place. He wanted to call to Raijin to stand back, but he looked into the god's eye he understood, that it wasn't an option. He would make a sacrifice of himself if it meant to save the human world. The Kage had no option but to follow the wish.

People of Konoha, who were far away from the fight, in the most secure place of their entire village, were terrified. They kept hear the rumbles, the roars, the screams. The old people were trembling. The children crying and the rest were desperate. Even the shinobi who were guarding the people had fear in their eyes. Everyone was certain they were going to die. They didn't want to thing bad of their hokage. But hope had a mortal facing something that powerful. Sure, The Fourth Hokage had the reputation of the most powerful ninja to ever exist in the world of shinobi. After all, he was the one who single- handily wiped out an entire army during the freshly- ended Third Great Shinobi War. But still, He was a mortal human. Fighting a demon. No. Fighting the STRONGEST of the nine tailed beasts.

There was no hope.

And then… a white light illuminated the sky. The storm ceased and began to clear from the skies as the strange light disappeared with a loud roar of the final thunder. Now the light of dawn shines upon the landscape. Most of the forest burned, they would be green again soon. The Kyubi was no where to be seen. There was only the body of the Fourth laying on the ground. Silence fell upon the terrain. Silence disturbed only by a cry. A cry of a baby.

The Yondaime's Legacy

Chapter 11: The Return To Konoha

All Naruto Swords

Author's Notes: I'm kind of confused choosing between Yugito and Haku. I don't really know how to make harems work, so... I think I'll just stick with Yugito for this story. Also, I have another story idea, one that will involve Kurotsuchi. What do you think?

The Raijin no Ken (Sword Of The Thunder God)...'

'Oh? You know this sword? Then you should know, fighting me is useless,' Aoi bragged.

Naruto snorted. 'Yes, I know this sword. The Sword Of The Thunder God belongs to the thunder god. To be specific, the Flying Thunder God.'

The three jonin paled at this. 'You don't mean...' Aoi said, but was interrupted by Naruto pulling out his special kunai.

'I do mean, Aoi-san,' said the blond as he threw the kunai at them while drawing Kubikiribocho and subsequently, the Hakko Chakura To.

'Hiraishin no Jutsu!' He disappeared in a yellow flash, then reappeared while kicking Aoi in the chest and decapitating both of his partners simultaneously.

The rest of Team 7 and Haku were astonished by the extreme speed it showed to allow a genin to kill two jonin in a second. Aoi crashed into the ground ten metres away, hacking up blood. The Raijin no Ken lay on the floor having been knocked out of his hand.

'You're pretty strong for a genin...' Aoi said as he got up on one knee. 'No shit Sherlock,' Naruto replied, making his team snicker.

A blue orb appeared in his hand as the jonin stood up and charged at him. Naruto threw a kunai at his head, but Aoi dodged as expected.

'Hiraishin: Ni no Dan (Flying Raijin: Level 2)!' Naruto shouted as he teleported to the kunai that was just behind Aoi's head.

Spinning around, he thrust the Rasengan into the nukenin's back. Aoi's eyes widened as the orb tore through his back, leaving behind a bloody and raw skin.

He passed out from the pain. 'Jeez, you'd think a jonin would do better than that,' Naruto said, picking up the Raijin no Ken.

Naruto sealed Aoi into a scroll, then he watched as the blade automatically retracted into the club.

He sealed it away as well, planning to return it to the Hokage. Kakashi nodded his head in approval. 'Let's go!'

The group continued on their journey back to Konoha.

Konoha West Gate

'Team 7, coming back from mission with a potential kunoichi,' Kakashi said as he and the group bypassed the gate guards. Hokage's Office

'C-rank turned A-rank?!' Hiruzen asked, shocked. 'Well, yes... though Naruto here managed to patch things up quickly. On the way back, we encountered Rokusho Aoi,' Kakashi reported.

'Yes, that and I now own Gato's company, which I renamed to Burning Leaf. I also own Zabuza's Kubikiribocho which he gave to me out of respect. I subdued Aoi and his two jonin partners with ease, and...' Naruto said, pausing to unseal the Raijin no Ken.

Then he handed it to the Hokage. Giving it a brief look, Hiruzen said, 'You can keep it, Naruto. Anything else?'

'Oh yes. I plan on handing Aoi over to Ibiki, I'm sure he'll have fun with the guy who tortured his otouto,' Naruto said, chuckling evilly, 'This is Zabuza's apprentice, Yuki Haku. She didn't do anything to us, plus she has the Hyoton kekkei genkai, so I'm sure the council wouldn't mind her joining our forces.'

Haku bowed. 'Nice to meet you, Hokage-sama.'

Sarutobi rubbed his head in anticipation of a headache. 'Everyone is dismissed, Haku you will have to be put on probation for a month and sent to Yamanaka Inoichi for a memory check.'

The blond gave the scroll containing Aoi to Hiruzen and left for the apartment.

When Naruto returned to the house, he took a nice, long bath. Then he headed out to train with his two new swords...

He decided to learn how to wield both in a dual sword style, and switch between the Hakko Chakura To, the Kubikiribocho and the Raijin no Ken.

Four Hours Later


An ANBU appeared and called Naruto. 'Uzumaki Naruto, you have been summoned to the council chambers.'

The blond grinned, council meetings were fun. 'Sure, I'll be there in five minutes.'

Council Chambers

Naruto Sword Of The Thunder Godzilla

The Hokage asked, 'May I know why the council has been summoned?'


A civilian councillor said, 'We've heard that the Uzumaki brat had gotten possession of Gato's company!'

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow in a 'so?' look.

'He is too young to handle so much wealth, the money should be given to council and split up among us!' the councillor said greedily.

'I'm afraid not. It is his company now, he can do whatever he wants with it,' Nara Shikaku said, defending the boy.

'Thanks for defending me, Shikaku-san,' said the boy walking out of the shadows, 'On top of that, I'm a genin so technically I'm am adult. I can do whatever I want. Besides, I've been learning how to manage my money since I was five.'

'Ah, so the brat is here. That's not all. We heard you've gained possession of one of the seven swords belonging to the Mist. It should be given to someone more worthy to wield, like Uchiha-sama!' one of the other councillors said.

Naruto shook his head. 'The last owner gave it to me because he respected me. I am under no circumstances obliged to hand over my blade to Sasuke.'

'What about the Raijin no Ken? It belongs to Nidaime-sama, it shouldn't be with you!' he argued.

Again, Naruto shook his head. 'As a blade won in battle, it belongs to me as a spoil of war. Besides, I've already gave it to Hokage-sama and he returned it to me, saying that I could keep it.'


The councillor was getting frustrated as his points were getting shot down one by one by Naruto's intelligence.

'Damn it, demon brat! Just give us the money and the swords to Uchiha-sama!' the councillor yelled, but was silenced by the glowing red Sharingan in Naruto's eyes. The tomoes were spinning rapidly and took on a new form.

The shinobi council was shocked. How did Naruto have the Sharingan?

In a trance, the councillor got up from his seat and walked in front of Naruto whose right hand was buzzing with futon chakra.

Sword Of The Thunder God

'Under Konoha's S-rank Secret Laws Section 3B, any citizen of Konohagakure who talks or references to the Kyuubi jinchuuriki as a demon or anything similar is punishable by death. This law was created by the Sandaime Hokage and any shinobi has the jurisdiction to carry out immediate execution if possible. With the power vested in me as a shinobi of Konohagakure, I deem you guilty of this crime,' Naruto said darkly, 'Justice shall be meted out shortly.'

With a single thrust, his hand impaled the man's chest and went straight to his heart. He tore it out, and used the wind blades to crush and destroy it in front of everyone in a shower of blood and gore.

'Anyone else? No? Thank you for your kind attention, Honourable Councillors. I believe this is all I can offer for this meeting,' Naruto said sarcastically as he left the chambers, leaving behind a shocked council.

Danzo eyed the boy in approval as he walked away; this boy was very well-versed in politics and the laws of Konoha...


After running through his katas in the spacious main hall, he went to sleep.

Next Morning, 4a.m.

Two figures darted through the streets of Konoha, looking for their target. When they located him, they snuck in through the window.

Their target was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly. 'Hehe, die, demon...' one of them said, drawing a kunai from his holster.

When he stabbed down, the kunai passed through the body and hit the bed instead. Not expecting the lack of resistance, the man fell forward.

The blond target capitalised on this and materialised, grabbing the man's arm. Twisting it with a sickening crunch, he then launched the kunai into the other intruder's neck with incredible speed.

Naruto planted his feet into the first man's face and sent him crashing into his cupboard.

In the darkness, a pair of red eyes with three black tomoe glowed as they trained themselves on the man. 'Why are you and your partner here?'

'We were sent to assassinate you.'

'By who?'

'Kurosu Hakana, a council member.'

Naruto's eyes almost burned holes into the back of his head (he could if he wanted to, Amaterasu). That was the man who complained about him possessing the company.

Putting a genjutsu on the man and knocking him out, he sealed him and the other man into a scroll.

The Hokage would hear about this.

Later In The Day

Kurosu Hakana was walking down a deserted street on his way back home. He passed by a training ground when he heard some noises.

'Ok, we'll hide the thousand million ryo here. Tomorrow we'll come back, ok?' a masked man said to another.

The other man nodded and both left, much to Hakana's glee. After checking that the coast was clear, he ran to the area and bent down, beginning to dig.

That is, until he heard someone say, 'Wow, you're greedier than I thought.' When he turned around, he found himself restrained by golden flaming chains.

'You...! I thought you were...'

'Dead? Ha... That's what you will be. Ikuze, Kyuubi!' Naruto yelled, slamming his palm onto the floor.

In a burst of smoke, Kurama appeared ten times smaller than his actual size. His current size was about the size of a regular boss summon.

The man started shitting himself when red and blue orbs merged to form a purple sphere. 'Bijuu Dama (Tailed Beast Bomb)!'

The fox fired it at the man, detonating it as an explosion which vaporised the training ground. That was just a mini version, a full-powered Bijuu Dama would destroy an entire village with a single blast.

'That was fun,' Kurama said as he dispelled and returned to the mindscape.

'Tsk,' Naruto replied, walking away as if nothing had happened. After all, the Sandaime authorised his execution.

Hiruzen sweatdropped in his office at how Naruto dealt with councillor. Wasn't that overkill?

The blond then threw himself into training with Haku and rest of Team 7. It was for the Chunin Exams coming up in six months' time.

Naruto planned to get promoted.

Omake: Extras

Far away, Narumi and Itachi were in an Akatsuki hideout in Ame. Tobi called her, 'To-ma-to!'

The feisty redhead snapped, 'Get back here you little punk!' The masked man was running away, phasing through walls. Which was annoying for Narumi because she couldn't hit him with her fists.

'But Tobi is a good boy-'

'Shut up! I'll kill you!'

Author's Notes:
So, I know many of you female Haku supporters will be angry with me, but Yugito seems to be a more popular choice so I'm going with Yugito. I'm sorry, I just don't know how to make harems work... Anyways, I've got a plan for another story where Naruto x Kurotsuchi will be the pairing. What do you think?

Until tomorrow,
Ja Ne