Mta Sa How To Change Serial

Serials are most used for banning players, because a computer with a dynamic IP can change when the computer requests a new IP, but resources can give them new uses. Serials are the most accurate form of identifying players that MTA has. MTA serial change - Anti-Cheat Bypass Hacks and Cheats Forum. It's very easy to hook getplayerserial and return an invalid serial but mybe they have some check for integrity or something. Nox player mac big sur. Also netc.dll is a kind of anti debugger that checks the integrity of the whole GTA memory, this means you can't hook a function properly.


This function sets the weapon property of the specified weapons specified weapon type. See lower down the page for documentation related to weapon creation.


Required Arguments

  • weaponID: The ID or name of the weapon you want to set a property of. Names can be:
  • grenade
  • teargas
  • molotov
  • colt 45
  • silenced
  • deagle
  • shotgun
  • sawed-off
  • combat shotgun
  • uzi
  • mp5
  • ak-47
  • m4
  • tec-9
  • rifle
  • sniper
  • rocket launcher
  • rocket launcher hs
  • flamethrower
  • minigun
  • satchel
  • bomb
  • spraycan
  • fire extinguisher
  • camera
  • weaponSkill: Either: 'pro', 'std' or 'poor'. The player must have this skill level set to have the effect.
  • property: The property you want to set the value of:
  • 'weapon_range' - float
  • 'target_range' - float - Max targeting range
  • 'accuracy' - float
  • 'damage' - int - Note: Changing the standard M4 stat will change how much damage vehicle guns (e.g: Rustler) do.
  • 'maximum_clip_ammo' - int
  • 'move_speed' - float - How fast player can move with weapon
  • 'flags' - int - (specify a flag to toggle it on/off) See Weapon Flags
  • 'flag_aim_no_auto' - bool - Disable auto up/down for non-aimed firing
  • 'flag_aim_arm' - bool - Uses other arm for aiming
  • 'flag_aim_1st_person' - bool - Uses 1st person aim
  • 'flag_aim_free' - bool - Can only use free aiming
  • 'flag_move_and_aim' - bool - Can move and aim at same time
  • 'flag_move_and_shoot' - bool - Can move and fire at same time
  • 'flag_type_throw' - bool - Is a throwing weapon
  • 'flag_type_heavy' - bool - Can't jump
  • 'flag_type_constant' - bool - Fires every frame within loop (ie paint spray)
  • 'flag_type_dual' - bool - Can use 2x guns at same time
  • 'flag_anim_reload' - bool - Weapon has reload anims
  • 'flag_anim_crouch' - bool - Has crouching anims
  • 'flag_anim_reload_loop' - bool - Loop from end of reload to fire loop start
  • 'flag_anim_reload_long' - bool - Force a longer reload time
  • 'flag_shot_slows' - bool - Slows down (area effect)
  • 'flag_shot_rand_speed' - bool - Random speed (area effect)
  • 'flag_shot_anim_abrupt' - bool - Force the anim to finish player after aim/fire rather than blending out (area effect)
  • 'flag_shot_expands' - bool - Expands (area effect)
  • 'anim_loop_start' - float - Start of aimed firing animation loop
  • 'anim_loop_stop' - float - End of aimed firing animation loop (Reduce to increase firing rate)
  • 'anim_loop_bullet_fire' - float - Time in aimed firing animation when weapon should be fired (Must be between Start and End)
  • 'anim2_loop_start' - float - Start of non-aimed firing animation2 loop
  • 'anim2_loop_stop' - float - End of non-aimed firing animation2 loop
  • 'anim2_loop_bullet_fire' - float - Time in non-aimed firing animation2 when weapon should be fired (Must be between Start and End)
  • 'anim_breakout_time' - float - Time after which player can break out of attack and run off
  • theValue: The value to set the property to.


On success:

bool: Returns true if the weapon property was successfully set

On failure:

bool: Returns false if the weapon property was unable to be set


The client side function only applies to custom weapons created client sided.


OOP SyntaxHelp! I don't understand this!

Method: weapon:setProperty(..)
Counterpart: getWeaponProperty

Required Arguments

  • theWeapon: the weapon to change the property of.
  • strProperty: the property to edit:
  • 'weapon_range' - float
  • 'target_range' - float
  • 'accuracy' - float
  • 'damage' - int
  • 'fire_rotation' - vector - For aligning fire direction with model
  • theValue: The value to set the property to.


Returns true if the property was set.



This example sets the weapon range of the M4 at poor skill level to 75

This example makes the silenced pistol dual wielded at pro skill level

This examples doubles the range of the colt 45 hand gun

This example makes the minigun able to fire all its ammo without the short reload time

This example turns off auto aim for all weapons

Mta Sa Server


Minimum supported server1.3
Minimum supported client1.3.0-9.04555

Note: Using this function requires the resource to have the above minimum version declared in the meta.xml<min_mta_version> El capitan usb installer windows. section. e.g. <min_mta_version server='1.3' client='1.3.0-9.04555' />


1.4.0-9.06339Added 'fire_rotation' property

See also

Mta Sa How To Change Serial Key

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