Astronomy Image Processing Software For Mac

  1. Astronomy Image Processing Software
  2. Image Processing Software Wikipedia
  3. Astronomy Image Processing Software For Mac Windows 10

Feb 24, 2020 image processing astronomy software for pc/mac based on my experience, recommendations for intro astronomy courses (based on ease of use and flexibility) are tagged software: operating system & hardware: availability & cost: image formats. MicroObservatory Image V2.2- free image analysis software from CFA (Center for Astrophysics) software Nebulosity V3 - $80 Control QSI and Meade DSI CCD cameras on the Mac PixInsight64- image processing software PixInsight Links by Topicby Sean Curry. PIPP is a Windows application designed for pre-processing planetary images before stacking them with image stacking software such as Registax. PIPP's main purpose is to crop each image frame and select only the best quality frames to reduce the memory and processing requirements of the stacking software.

These are some of the programs I use or have tried and recommend:

Astronomy Image Processing Software

  • WcCtrl: helps to control the settings of several webcam models (freeware).
  • WcRmac: edits the firmware of several webcam models (freeware).
  • SkyChart: Sky map (freeware).
  • AutoStar Suite: Sky map from Meade.
  • Messier Marathon: generates a list of Messier objects visibles from your location (freeware).
  • NGC Observer: generates a list of objects from several catalogs (Messier, NGC, etc.) visibles from your location.
  • AstroPlanner: observation planner, much more more sophisticated than the previous. Free version with some limitations.
  • Bahtinov Grabbber: helps focusing using a Bahtinov mask (freeware).
  • EQAlign: scope polar aligning, periodic error analysis and autoguiding (freeware).
  • Desire: long exposure imaging with modified webcams (freeware).
  • K3CCDTools: photo and video acquisition, planetary image processing (freeware version). See my image processing video tutorial using this software.
  • Envisage: image acquisition, calibration, aligning and stacking for Meade DSI cameras.
  • MaxIm DL: image acquisition, calibration, aligning, stacking and post-processing.
  • DeepSkyStacker: image calibration, aligning and stacking specific for deep space astrophotography. See my image processing video tutorial using this software.
  • RegiStax: image calibration, aligning and stacking specific for planetary astrophotography. It can also be used for deep space astrophotography (freeware).
  • IMerge: makes astrophotography mosaics (freeware).
  • Focus magic: improves images focusing and contrast.
  • PixInsight LE: image post-processing (freeware version).
Astronomical image processing software

Image Processing Software Wikipedia

ForOther software quite popular but which I have not tested yet:

Astronomy Image Processing Software For Mac Windows 10

  • Photoshop: image post-processing.
  • Iris: image calibration, aligning, stacking and post-processing. (freeware).